The Just for You – People with Disabilities guide about Government of Canada services and programs for people with disabilities provides information on everything from employment, work/life balance, accessibility and education, health and fitness, income support and tax benefits.
Access-A-Bus is a shared ride, door-to-door, transit service for persons who are unable to use the conventional transit system due to physical or cognitive disabilities. Access-A-Bus is available to provide transportation to medical appointments and to allow you to participate in social, personal, and recreational activities.
Halifax Transit Accessible Transportation Services provides a variety of options for accessible transit.
The Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia offers a variety of support programs for individuals with Alzheimer’s or related Dementia and their families. They provide educational workshops, a safely home registration program, toll-free 24 hour information and referral line, a library of resources and much more.
Autism Nova Scotia helps families navigate the autism services and provides support, and programs to support families and individuals who have autism.
Autism Society Canada works across the country to reduce the impact of ASDs on individuals and their families. We support universally accessible ASD treatment and services, as well as the implementation of national surveillance, and better funding for ASD research.
Beehive Adult Service Centre provides vocational training to individuals with developmental disabilities.
The Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia is a non-profit organization which provides support for people with brain injuries and their families. This organization serves as an advocacy group with the government, the public and the health care system.
The Canada Revenue Agency – Disability Tax Credit (DTC) amount is a non-refundable tax credit that a person with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions can claim to reduce the amount of income tax he or she has to pay in a year.
The mandate of the Canadian Dyslexia Association is to promote awareness in order to improve the quality of life of the estimated five million Canadians who have dyslexia.
The Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind is a non-profit organization that assists visually-impaired Canadians with their mobility by providing and training them in the use of professionally trained Guide Dogs.
Caregivers Nova Scotia provides information and assistance for family and friends giving care. Their services for caregivers take many forms, including; workshops, informative newsletters, a book and video lending library, telephone caregivers’ assistance and community-based peer support groups. As well as participating in various government task forces and working groups to help influence public policy for the benefit of caregivers.
The Central Region Respite Society is a community based non-profit agency funded by the Department of Community Services. The Society offers individualized support services to any family in our area caring for a family member with special needs living at home.
The CNIB provides support and information for Canadians with vision loss. Their website is the link to a variety of services in your local community and provides research and information.
Community Inc – Middleton & Kentville provides information on the supports and services available to persons with disabilities in order to create equal opportunities for employment and education in the community.
Continuing Care home care provides service to Nova Scotians of all ages who need care in their homes and communities to help them remain as independent as possible, as long as possible. Home care services include home support (such as personal care, respite, and light housekeeping), nursing care (such as dressing changes, catheter care, and intravenous therapy) and home oxygen.
Dalhousie University Student Accessibility Services provides support to students who have special needs. Services include orientation of the university campus, assistance with special needs in the classroom, provision of equipment, etc.
Department of Community Services: Services for Persons with Disabilities (SPD) program serves children, youth and adults with intellectual disabilities, long-term mental illness and physical disabilities in a range of community-based, residential and vocational/day programs.
H.A.L.T.R. Halifax Area Leisure and Therapeutic Riding provides safe riding and driving programs for people with special needs.
March of Dimes: Halifax Conductive Education (CE) is an innovative learning system that merges the elements of education with rehabilitation. The system deals not only with physical needs, but also with the social and psychological issues facing people of all ages with neurological conditions. Conductors, or specially trained instructors, work with program participants to help them gain, or regain, physical mobility and self-sufficiency one small step at a time.
Metro Works Employment Services assists people to overcome impediments and gain the confidence and skills required to obtain meaningful and sustainable employment. Their services include job search assistance and employment counselling.
Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Accessibility Services offers general information, counselling, peer tutoring, and tools to make programs accessible and affordable for everyone.
Nova Scotia Continuing Care Programs from the Department of Health and Wellness, serve people who need ongoing care outside of hospital, either on a long-term or short-term basis.
Nova Scotia Family Law Community Agencies: Resources for Persons with Disabilities is a listing of community agencies that offer supports and services to people who have disabilities. This section also includes a listing of community-based organizations that may be helpful to families looking for support groups in order to network with other families who have navigated the health and social service system in Nova Scotia.
The Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres provide hearing and speech assessment and therapy.
The Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities (NSLEO) encourages full and equal participation of individuals who have disabilities in society through advocacy, information, research and public education. Main areas of concern are: transportation, housing, human rights, education, employment, public accessibility, technical aids and independent living.
NSNET-Nova Scotia Directory-Disability Resources links citizens with disabilities and or health challenges of all ages in Nova Scotia to resources and services that promote active inclusive healthy independent living.
The Partnership for Access Awareness (PAANS) – Scholarship promotes inclusion for all Nova Scotians with disabilities. Scholarships available for post-secondary education.
The Persons with Disabilities Online site provides access to services and information for persons with disabilities, family members, caregivers and all Canadians.
The Provincial Autism Centre aids parents and professionals to find the information and support for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Service Canada: Education and Training for People with Disabilities provides information and resources for funding education and vocational training for individuals with disabilities.
For 27 years, Dartmouth Work Solutions Learning Centre has been assisting adults with barriers to employment reach their potential. We welcome adults ages 18 – 64 and there is no minimum education level. Our strength is our commitment to participants. We build on their abilities and help them learn new skills. Staff and participants work together in small groups and each participant sets their own goals in the three program areas – skill development, adult learning and personal development.
Special Olympics Nova Scotia provides social and athletic skills to individuals with special needs( both adults and children)
At SpellRead Program: Halifax Learning Centre, we teach people to read, using the Kaplan SpellRead program – a proven, science-based reading program, with unparalleled results. SpellRead doesn’t accommodate deficiencies, it deals with them. Unlike other reading intervention programs, SpellRead reliably improves reading fluency and comprehension across diverse populations, including special education students, English language learners, adults and children alike.
The Veith Street Gallery Studio Association is an educational organization based in north end Halifax that supports artists with disabilities and related challenges. Veith Street Gallery Studio Association also supports The Visual Connections Project, which offers educational programs for persons with disabilities and community service providers who want to engage and explore the visual arts.
The Victoria Order of Nurses-Greater Halifax District provides a variety of home care and nursing services across Canada. VON offers more than 75 different home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client’s quality of life by providing them with the personal assistance and support needed to make them comfortable in their own home.
The Wheelchair Skills Program helps people in wheelchairs overcome everyday obstacles. This program is based on 20 years of research, at Dalhousie University, into wheelchair stability and performance.