The decision to adopt a child or children is one of the most important and exciting decisions you will ever make. You will begin to understand the miracle of life from a very special and unique perspective. At the same time the adoption process can be intimidating and time-consuming, and you may feel powerless along the way. When will the call come? How many children will there be? What age or ages? What will they look like? Where are they now? Can’t they match us up quicker? Why can’t I get on a plane and get her now?
Once you receive “the call,” your life is changed forever. Prior to this life-altering event, and while you are still in wait-and-see mode, use the time to get prepared for parenthood while you are still at your firm. You may want to chat with a co-worker or even your supervisor or a partner. This is a private decision that only you and your life partner can make, but it may be helpful for people at your firm to be aware of your situation. You may be pleasantly surprised how excited they are for you! Further, once you receive “the call” it won’t be so out of the blue for you or your firm, if you need to leave on short notice.
Over time, you may want to develop a parental leave plan. Although you never know when “the call” may come, stay organized and on top of your larger files and issues. Examine your caseload and ask yourself, “What do I need to do on this file so I can quickly delegate if required?”
Unlike pregnancy, with adoption, you will be blessed with very little or no notice! It’s very easy to become overwhelmed with emotion. So while you are still waiting, develop your game plan while logic still prevails over emotion. Talk to your family, friends and colleagues at work. They can help you when you’re suddenly seeking a crib or children’s clothing or furniture on short notice.
You will be amazed at the generosity you’ll discover. After all, everybody loves a happy ending.
For more information, please visit the informative Directory of Services for Adoptive Parents, on the provincial Department of Community Services website.